Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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COP Professionalism

We are pleased to launch ADEEs first COP which is on Professionalism and Ethics. We are fortunate to have Dr Melanie Nasseripour from Kings College London to lead the COP steering group.
We are now inviting members with an expertise in this domain to apply to join its small working group of 3-5 members.
Professionalism is an essential competence within the ADEE graduate framework.
- COP lead  Dr Melanie Nasseripour – KCL London, Introduces the Professionalism COP 

The current literature suggests there is no universal definition of professionalism in healthcare. Professionalism and assessment of Professionalism can be seen as learner specific phenomenon /a learner and team phenomenon/ a learner and society phenomenon (Westwood, 2013). It is therefore complex and multifactorial both in its teaching and learning but also in its assessment and feedback.

The ADEE membership is undeniably diverse in terms of general language and culture but more specifically in terms of health systems, regulatory body, history of development of the oral health professions and the overarching health and educational cultures. This has a most significant impact on oral health education in general but on Professionalism and Ethics (PE) education in particular. The feedback from recent workshops on the Professionalism theme, has highlighted despite the common curricular requirements and challenges in PE we have members at very different growth and development of their curriculum in PE. Professionalism and Ethics is therefore a perfect domain for a Community of Practice to establish a shared culture, ethos and body of work to support ADEE members in establishing, developing and enhancing their PE curricula.

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