New clinical practice challenges arising from Covid in the clinical education environment
Delivered live in partnership with FEHDD and Colgate and brining together Dental Heads and Deans from throughout Europe, this session was held on 1st October 2020 @ 09.00 to 12:00. Below you can access edited elements of the live presentations by key Dental and Oral Health academic, professional and student bodies as they discuss the challanges faced and the initial responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Prof Corrado Paganelli
Chair of FEHDD
Addressing the challenges faced by Dental Heads and Deans
Prof Corrado Paganelli DDS, MD is Chair of FEHDD, Chair of the Board of IFDEA (International Federation of Dental Educators and Associations), representative on CECDO (Council European Chief Dental Officers), Former President of ADEE (Association for Dental Education in Europe) and Current Dean of The Dental School at University of Brescia – Italy.
Prof Paganelli draws on the previous speakers to stress the importance of collaboration to European Dental Deans.
Click bellow to watch the full presentation:

Prof Ilza Akota
President ADEE 2020-2021
Addressing the challenges faced by Dental Academics
Prof Ilze Akota is Head of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, former Dean (1999-2003) of the faculty of Dentistry and former vice rector for education (2003-2013) in Riga Stradins University in Latvia. Ilze has held many leadership positions with relevance to dental eductaion including, President of the Scandinavian Division (NOF) of the IADR, President of the Latvian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, President of the Baltic Association for Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery. Ilze is ADEE president for 2020 and 2021.
During Ilze's session she speaks of the challanges faced by associations and academics due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Click bellow to watch the full presentation:

Dr Tin Crnić
Past President EDSA
Addressing the challenges faced by Dental Students
Dr Tin Crnić, graduated from School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb in July 2020. As the outgoing President of the European Dental Students' Association, he was in charge of European Dental Students' policy, organisation of biannual international meetings, representing European Dental Students' point of view among various institutions and stakeholders, establishing close relations with professional, academic authorities and associations, managing partnerships and projects with the dental industry and partner organisations.
Tin provides valuable insight into the challanges faced by Dental Students during the first wave of COVID-19.
Click bellow to watch the full presentation:

Dr Paula Vassalo
President EADPH
Addressing the challenges faced by Dental Public Health
Dr. Paula Vassallo President of the European Association of Dental Public Health is a Consultant in Dental Public Health and is currently the Director of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Malta with the Government of Malta and is actively involved in promoting health in Malta. She is a senior lecturer in Preventive and Community Dentistry and Dental Public Health at the University of Malta. Dr. Vassallo is a board member of the Council of European Chief Dental Officers, a member of the health research group of the Institute of Small Island States, which is based in Malta and is Past President of the Council of European Chief Dental Officers and is past Chairperson of the Platform for Better Oral health in Europe.
Paula speaks on the need for reform in dental eductaion and practice so as to ensure reslience is enabled.
Click bellow to watch the full presentation:

Dr Marco Landi
President CED
Addressing the challenges faced by Dental Practitioners
Dr Marco Landi is President of the Council of European Dentists 2015-2018 and 2019-2021. He has serverd as CED Vice President 2012-2015 and CED Board Director 2009-2012. Dr Landi is also a Member and Chair of the Dentists Chamber Commission in Milan (1987-1993) and Lodi (1994-2020). He is a member of the Italian National Dentists Chamber Commission (CAO Nazionale - Rome) and of the National Board of Physicians and Dentists (FNOMCeO, Rome) in 2003-2005, dealing primarily with Code of Ethics update and implementation of European professional directives. Dr Landi was President 2005-2011 and Board Member 2011-2016 of “Fondazione ANDI Onlus”, the Foundation for solidarity and international cooperation supported by the National Association of the Italian Dentists, A.N.D.I.
Click bellow to watch the full presentation:

Prof Stephanie Tubert Jeannin
O-Health-Edu Project Co-ordinator
Addressing the need for Dental and Oral Health Professional's Educational information
Prof Stephanie Tubert Jeannin is immediate Past President of ADEE, Coordinator of the Erasmus + KA2 O-Health-Edu project, member of the UNESCO Chair Global Health & Education, member of the Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe, former Dean & current Professor of Dental Public Health at University Clermont Auvergne (France).
Stephanie speaks on the importance of validated and current oral health professional data, that can enable change in the profession to better deliver public health needs.
Click bellow to watch the full presentation:

Prof Brian O'Connell
President Elect of IADR
Addressing the needs and challenges of Dental and Oral Health Research
Prof Brian O'Connell is Dean of the School of Dental Science at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland and President elect of the International Association of Dental Research (IADR).
Brian discusses the challanges faced by dental research and researchers in a time of fake news and rising anti vaccination movements.
You can see the full presentation here
Click bellow to watch the full presentation:
About the Facilitators

Alex Selwood
Alex Selwood is a passionate facilitator specialized in leadership, management skills training and business coaching. Alex runs his own company – Expression for Growth – focused on creation and facilitation of development programs, from board level to graduate entry in a broad range of organizations and a variety of business sectors.
Most recently, Alex has been supporting his clients to develop excellent skills to engage, communicate and run businesses virtually in the rapidly changing post-COVID 19 world. Alex has a unique, high energy and empathetic facilitatio n style. He truly believes in the power of engaging learning experiences with real life examples and immediate actions which support individuals and organizations to adopt new behaviors for the benefit of their development and productivity. His facilitation sessions and coaching programs always make a significant difference to individuals and their organizations. Alex has previously facilitated sessions with the FEHDD.
Irina Laura Chivu-Garip brings strong facilitation experience gained through innovation, team effectiveness and corporate culture programs. She employs a dynamic and versatile facilitation style centered on empathy and end-user experience.
Since 2013, Irina manages scientific affairs for Colgate Palmolive, providing scientific expertise for key oral health brands, innovating with NGOs and associations’ partnerships and developing professional education and patient behavior change strategies across Europe. Prior joining Colgate, Irina worked as a general dentist, co-managing a private practice, and held a teaching position in Restorative Dentistry.

Irina Laura Chivu-Garip