Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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Trinity Business School

Hosted by the Dublin Dental University Hospital and the Faculty of Health Sciences Trinity College Dublin, ADEE 2025 academic content, plenary sessions and exhibition will all be held in the Trinity Business School.

Located at 182 Pearse St, Dublin 2, D02 F6N2, on the Trinity College Dublin city campus right in the heart of Dublin city centre, and just around the corner from the Dublin Dental University Hospital, on Lincoln Place (D02F859).1

Access is via Pearse Street or direct from the TCD Campus.

1 check map below

Promotional video

Social Events

For our social events we will be hosted by the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) Dental School and Trinity Dining Hall.

On Wednesday night we will be hosted by the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) Dental School at their main building at 123 St Stephens Green.2

On Thursday night we return to the Trinity’s campus for our Irish night at Trinity Dining Hall on Front Square.3

2 3 check map below

Venue locations

Join us in our Annual Meeting for a
'Céad mile fáilte'!

Registration soon