Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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Outline Programme

We know many of you have already started planning your trip to Dublin and have been asking for programme details. While it is too early to provide exact details and content the following is a guideline programme to help you better plan your travel and accommodation arrangements.

Please note that while every effort will be made to adhere to this overview, it may be subject to alternation as the final programme evolves and, as previously advised, there are a number of high profile sports and concert events in Dublin this week so we strongly encourage you to book accommodation now!

August 2025
Time Slot Monday 18th Tuesday 19th Wednesday 20th Thursday 21st Friday 22nd
09:00   ADEE Regional Council Workshops/SIGS/COPS
(5 concurrent sessions)
Plenary Session Workshops/SIGS/COPS
(5 concurrent sessions)
10:30 - 11:30 Coffee - Exhibition & Networking
11:30   ADEE Regional Council Delegate abstract related content
(5 concurrent sessions)
(5 concurrent sessions)
Closing Plenary
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch - Exhibition & Networking
14:00 ADEE Board Meetings FEHDD meeting Workshops/SIGS/COPS
(5 concurrent sessions)
Delegate abstract related content
(5 concurrent sessions)
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee - Exhibition & Networking
16:00 ADEE Board Meetings FEHDD meeting Opening Plenary Session Workshops/SIGS/COPS or delegate abstract related content
(5 concurrent sessions)
17:30 Close
19:00 ADEE Board Meetings Invitee only reception FEHDD, Regional Council, Board
Venue TBC
Welcome reception open to all delegates
Venue RCSI
ADEE’s 50th Birthday Irish Night, open to all delegates
Venue TCD Dining Hall

Join us in our Annual Meeting for a
'Céad mile fáilte'!

Register Here