Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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COVID-19 related survey requests

In recent weeks we have received an increasing number of requests from members and sister associations to share their calls for participation into COVID-19 related surveys and research.  Rather than bombard members with emails we have decided to host these on our webpages and share them via the e-news system, thereby allowing interested members to participate at their will.  Where possible the closing date is clearly displayed within the text.

Please note these surveys are NOT validated by ADEE.  ADEE is simply facilitating distribution.

European Universities Association

Closing date 4th June 2020 

Survey on digitally enhanced learning in European higher education institutions

This EUA survey is addressed to higher education institutions in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). It aims to map development trends for digitally enhanced...Read More

UNESCO Chair of Global Health and Education

Closing date not provided.

The UNESCO Chairs and WHO Collaborating Centre in Global Health & Education together with the Schools for Health in Europe network foundation (SHE) and the EUPHA Health Promotion section have launched a knowledge sharing process on school...Read More

The University of Jordan, Amman

Closing date not provided.

A group of international colleagues would greatly appreciate you participating in this short survey on dentists knowledge, attitudes and professional behavior towards the COVID-19 outbreak by following the link at the bottom of the page.  ...Read More