Prof. Cecilia Christersson

Dr. Upen Patel
United Kingdom
From 2017 the DEOM SIG becomes a workshop format.
Dental Educators on the Move is chaired from the ADEE perspective by Prof. Cecilia Christersson (SE) and Dr. Upen Patel (UK) with Dr. Eugene Anderson being a joint chair representing ADEA.
2014 saw a revitalisation of the Early Career Educators Forum into what is now known as Dental Educators on the Move. A collaborative special interest group with our sister organisation the American Dental Eductaion Association.
Aims and Objectives
At ADEE 2014 meeting in Rīga the Early Career Educators Forum evolved into the Dental Educators on the Move Forum. The agreeed aims and objectives of the SIG are to explore:
- Competencies required as educators progress
- The role of leadership to progression
- The role of communication
- The role of Quality assurance
- Team working
- The role and impact of technology
- The movement of educators across Europe and beyond
SIG Leader Announcements and Update
As part of the ADEE annual meeting in Szeged in August 2015 Dental Educators on the Move will host two additional sessions for delegates as well as the SIG meeting.
Dental Eductaors on the move are delighted to announce the introduction of two workshops to the ADEE annual meeting Szeged.
1. Dental Educators on the Move: Workshop One: Communication
This workshop series offers a limited number of places to participants attending the annual ADEE meeting to explore in greater detail the skills and competences of the professional dental educator. For more information visit the Szeged meeting webpages or dowload our infomation bellow.
We are very pleased to announce that this year's workshop has been kindly supported by our Gold Corporate Partner DENTSPLY Implants.
2. ADEE ADEA Dental Educators on the Move - EDSA workshop - dental educator competencies
A free workshop hosted by the ADEE/ADEA Dental Educators on the Move special interest group as part of the ADEE 2015 annual scientific meeting in Szeged.
Project Partner
For 2015 ADEE is delighted to have DENTSPLY Implants as a core partner for the Dental Educators on the Move Workshop.
DENTSPLY has a long history of supporting the work of ADEE and we are confident that with their support Dental Educators will grow in teh coming months and years.
Meetings and Activities: Riga 2014
Download the Riga SIG Meeting flyer bellow.
The focus of the SIG in Riga 2014 was detailed exploration of three core themes of importance to Dental Educators and their career progression, namely:
The primary objectives of the group were clarified as being concerned with:
- Assisting dental educators to progress their careers
- Being a platform to explore, share and advance the skills dental educators need to master
- And providing supporting mechanisms that will include:
- Being an international hub for dental educator’s advancement in teaching learning
- Mentorship
- Evidence based teaching
- Discussion & support forums
- Networking
- Community support
The importance of the ADEA collaboration and involvement with the groups was stressed and welcomed by the members. More detailed summary of the Riga SIG meeting is available here.
Plans for the future
The ultimate aim for output of the SIG is a Framework of Competencies for the European Dental Educator. The immediate plans for Szeged in 2015 is the hosting of a half day training course for dental educators which will focus on:
- Mentorship
- Communication skills
- Transfer of evidence base into teaching
- Construct a course
- Learning theory and delivering learning based on this theory
ADEE Members' Forum Pages
Click here to join our online discussions at the ADEE Dental Educators On the Move discussion forum.