Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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Call for Abstracts

ADEE Dublin 2025 abstract submission is open. Deadline for submissions is 15th April 2025.

Dental and other oral health professions education colleagues are encouraged to submit abstracts for consideration for inclusion in a number of themed online sessions as part of ADEE 2025.

In submitting an abstract you are acknowledging that if accepted you will be required to register for the meeting by 31st of May 2025 and that you intend to attend in person the various sessions as outlined in the programme. You also acknowledge that your work will be uploaded in the correct format by no later than the 1st of August on the Learning Toolbox Platform for e-posters and ADEE presentation deck for selected oral, topic and freestage. Abstract evaluation will be completed in time for delegates to avail of early bird booking rates. Please ensure you check your email regularly. All communication with regards to abstract submission will be addressed to the submitter and it is their responsibility to ensure all relevant tasks and deadlines are met to be included in the meeting programme.

This year submissions are invited for:

FREEStage Presentations

Presenters will be selected to showcase their new and evolving oral health professional's education research in 7 minute presentations slots followed by 7 minutes questions and answers in these chaired sessions. The aim is to showcase educational research within our membership base. In person presentation is required and there will be a number of sessions distributed throughout the programme. Presentation is by PowerPoint slide or similar. Delegates will not have a choice as to what session they are allocated.

Selected oral poster presentations

Presenters will be drawn from their general abstract submissions to make a 7 minute presentation followed by 7 minutes of questions and answers in these chaired sessions. These sessions will align with the various sub theme categories (eg assessment, curriculum etc). In person presentation is required and there will be a number of sessions distributed throughout the programme. Delegates will not have a choice as to what session they are allocated. Presentation is by PowerPoint slide or similar.

Topic related presentations

Presenters will be selected from those who submit Topic related abstracts for each day of the meeting as follows: 

Topic Related Day One: AI in dental education,
Topic Related Day Two: AI in dental practice,
Topic Related Day Three: AI as an enabler of sustainability.

Presentations will be in 7 minute presentations slots followed by 7 minutes questions and answers in these chaired sessions. Presentation of topic will align with the days sub theme. Presentation is by PowerPoint slide or similar.

Online E-poster Showcase and 5 minute pitch

These posters will be displayed for the duration of the meeting using the Learning Tool Box poster showcase we have a capacity for 150 submissions. Abstracts that have not been accepted in Freestage, Selected Oral or Topic Related presentations will be given the opportunity to give a 5m poster pitch held at various times throughout the meeting. These sessions will two fold. A mini poster generated by LTB will be on displayed for the duration of teh meeting and each presenter will have a 5 minute scheduled slot in the programme to present 3 slides on their work and take questions from the panel chair. Templates are available on the LTB.

You can submit your abstract following the link below

Submission Form