Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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GED activity and updates


In this section we update you on recently GED taskforce Activity, upcoming projects, calls for consultation and invite you to contribute to the evolution of the GED!
Tune in to our second Podtalk recorded in Prague
Don't miss out on our latest updates! Tune in to our second Podtalk, recorded during the GED Taskforce meeting just outside of Prague. Find out about developments with new GED Domain V - Research - and what the team have been working on since the last time. To watch press play below.
Elevate Dental Education
Join us in revolutionizing dental education! The British Society of Prosthodontics (BSSPD) is thrilled to introduce a groundbreaking undergraduate curriculum for Indirect Restorations and Removable Prosthodontics. Aimed at UK Dental Undergraduates, this curriculum adheres to the ADEE Graduating...
First Podtalk from the GED Taskforce meeting
Exciting News! Don't miss out on our latest updates! Tune in to our first Podtalk, recorded during the GED Taskforce meeting at the prestigious Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh. Gain exclusive insights into the discussions and key takeaways from this impactful gathering. To watch press play...
Domain V: Research
The GED Taskforce invites all individual teachers, students, professional organisations, societies, regulators and industrial partners to review the proposed learning outcomes, and associated document(s) for Domain V: Research . Please visit this link to the domain page This consultation is...

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