The COVID-19 Pandemic has resulting in ADEE taking the decision to hold its first online General Assembly.
So as to make for a more effective experience a number of preparation session have been facilitated by the ADEE Executive Committee. On Friday the 9th October a live session with the Executive Officers was held and recorded for sharing with membership. You can now view this session by clicking the screen image.
ADEE Officers' reports to ADEE General Assembly 2020.
In addition each ADEE officer has prerecorded their annual report in video format and these are available below for viewing in your own time.

Want to attend this ADEE Officers Q&A Session?
Formal Notification of the 2020 Online General Assembly was communicated via our June Newsletter. Following this, current member institutions were emailed directly to identify, nominate and update their designated General Assembly Delegates. All nominated delegates will automatically recieve a invitation link to this live Q&A session with the ADEE Officers. If you do not recieve one and feel you should have please contact us. The most likley reasons you have not recived this is:
- your institutions nominated contact did not complete an online authorisation name you as a nominated delegate
- your institution has not paid its 2020 annual membetrship fee and thus is not entitle to send a voting delegate to the General Assembly