Association for Dental Education in Europe

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The Platform for better Oral Health in Europe launch Manifesto “Why Oral Health Matters – policy recommendations to improve oral health in the EU”

On Tuesday December 3rd 2019, the Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe launched their Manifesto “Why Oral Health Matters - policy recommendations to improve oral health in the EU” in the European Parliament in Brussels.
A brief update by Executive Member Dr Ronald Gorter.

In a session chaired by member of the European Parliament Jane Brophy, the Chair of the Platform, Dr Nigel Carter, presented the contents and policy asks of the manifesto.

Dr Nigel Carter, presenting the contents and policy asks of the manifesto

Two other presentations accompanied the manifesto launch. The first by Prof Richard Watt (University College London), first and co-author of two recent scientific publications on oral health in The Lancet (July 2019), in which he showed the importance of improving and maintaining oral health. Prof Watt presentation emphasized the need to tackle oral health deficits, both from a health and economic perspective. The second Mrs Antonella Cardone, Director of the European Cancer Patient Coalition, presented the patient point of view on cancer, and mouth / oral cancer in particular.  

ADEE is a founding member of the Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe (

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