Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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Registration for ADEE 2021 is now closed.

While we may not be able to be there in person together we hope that the programme we have put together will bring many of us online to exchange ideas and experiences. For the ADEE executive it was important that we make the meeting as accessible as possible, while also balancing the need to ensure ADEE longer term financial stability. With this in mind we have kept registration rates to a minimum for ADEE member institution setting the early bird registration rate at just €150 per delegate. We are also offering discounted rates for group bookings of 5 or more delegates paid by EFT directly from the institution.

The table below summarises the member/non-member and early bird/standard registration rates.

Details Delegates from Member Institutions Delegates from Non Member Institutions

Early Bird Registration: up to close of business 15th April 2021

€150.00 €200.00

Standard Registration: between 16th April and 1st May

€200.00 €250.00

Late registration: after 1st May 2021

€250.00 €300.00
Please note registration is capped at 500 delegates on a first come first served basis.

If you are affiliated to an ADEE member institution that is sending 5 or more delegates please contact the ADEE office for more information on discounts available and the process for securing this before the closing date for early bird registrations.

  • Send 5 to 9 delegates - 10% discount
  • Send 10 to 20 delegates - 20% discount
  • Send 21 or more delegates - 25% discount

Your ADEE 2021 registration gives you:

  1. Full access to all live and stream premier events for ADEE 2021
  2. Exclusive access to the ADEE 2021 APP to help you plan your attendance, join the social media discussions and share with your ADEE network of colleagues 
  3. Exclusive access to the ADEE box set of on demand content, we expect that all session will be made available on demand within 2 weeks of their premier. These are yours to access exclusively until Jan 2021, there after they will be archived on our YouTube Channel 
  4. Approximately 1 week before the start of each month you will received an 'ADEE 2021 What’s on this month' email bulletin, reminding you of scheduled events and how to access them 
  5. The opportunity to showcase your work and have it included in one of the various delegate content streams, posters, FREEStage, topic related and select oral presentations. Only those who register for the meeting will have their work included.

Terms and conditions:

In making a booking you acknowledge that:

  1. To register you must hold an user account.
  2. To avail of the best possible rate you must ensure your user profile on is clearly affiliated with your institution.
  3. Once transaction payment has been processed, cancellations and refunds cannot be provided after 15th April. Cancellations will incur a €25 admin fee to cover banking charges regardless of reasons of cancellation. After April 15th NO REFUNDS of CANCELLATIONS will be facilitated.
  4. ADEE commits to delivering the content as promoted, however, it is acknowledged by you that some content is member demand driven thus the duration of sessions may vary and be impacted.
  5. All sessions are presented via the ZOOM platform. Posters will be stored and displayed via the Learning Toolbox platform. It is your responsibility to ensure you have these apps installed as required. 
  6. It is the individuals responsibility to ensure they bookmark times within their diary, you can download diary appointments for each session from the dedicated page for the session linked through the main programme page.
  7. The delegate is responsible for technological issues at their site, ADEE takes no responsibility with regards to network or other access issues.
  8. Delegates will have exclusive access to all recordings for the period up to the end of Jnauray 2022. To access the recording please use your log in.
  9. All communication is via email, please ensure you add ADEE to your safe email listing and check your spam folders.

© ADEE 2019

by Brag, Design & Digital