Association for Dental Education in Europe

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FEHDD Spring Meeting 2021

Thursday, 28th January 2021 - 15:00 to 16:55
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120 minutes

From surviving to thriving in a time of change
Session synopsis: 

In times of change, it is not uncommon to feel anxiety, uncertainty, self-doubt and perhaps even fear. At our last meeting, delegates expressed the challenges they were facing in the immediate response to the Covid-19 pandemic and how this was impacting them both professionally and personally. On core concept that can assist individuals and organisations at such times is the concept of resilience. 

Defined in as ‘the ability of a person to adjust to or recover readily from illness, adversity, major life changes, etc.’, resilience is a useful concept at the individual level and when embraced as an organisational mind-set can dramatically change organisational experiences and attitude.

Join us and your FEHDD colleagues as we explore the concept of Resilience from a theoretical, psychology and practical perspective so as to gain insight and understanding on how this behaviour can alter and impact our experiences for the better.

The session will start with a panel discussion recounting theoretical, academic and practical perspectives on resilience and will continue with a breakout discussion on how this might be applied within our academic and educational settings.


Our outline programme for the event includes:

15:00 Welcome
Prof Corrado Paganelli (FEHDD) and Dr Irina Laura Chivu-Garip (Colgate)
15:10 Student Mental Health in a COVID era: assessing the impact and addressing the needs
Dr Margaret McLafferty
15:30 Language and Strategies that foster resilience
Mr Terry Streather
15:55 Q&A 
16:00 Comfort Break
16:05 An interactive workshop 'Dean's that enable resilience'
16:50 Group Reflection
17:00 Session Close
Video - delegate access only: 

Terry Streather
Director and Head of Training, Oakwood Training 

Mr Terry Streather is Director and Head of Training at Oakwood. He has been a qualified trainer for the past 15 years and is a Mental Health First Aid instructor. He has extensive experience as both a frontline practitioner and trainer.  Since founding Oakwood Training in 2012 he has helped many large companies and charities look after the wellbeing and mental health of their people. He’s passionate about helping organizations to create a safer, healthier workplace, by placing wellbeing at the very core of what they do.
As a former frontline officer and supervisor in the Police Service, Terry has first-hand experience of managing personal crisis, both from members of the public and staff.
Terry understands that people's health, and in particular mental health and the way they feel has a huge impact on their  behaviors, their decisions  and productivity and he is eager to share his expertise and experience towards helping people be at their best. 

Dr Margaret McLafferty
Research Associate Faculty of Life & Health Sciences, University of Ulster

Dr Margaret McLafferty is a Research Associate in mental health at Ulster University, Northern Ireland. She helped co-ordinate a large-scale longitudinal study to identify risk and protective factors for mental health and wellbeing, among Ulster University students. The Ulster University Student Wellbeing Study was conducted as part of the WHO World Mental Health International College Student Initiative. Margaret currently works on the Student Psychological Intervention Trial (SPIT), a Chitin funded project, which includes a randomised control trial to test the effectiveness of an online CBT based intervention for students with mild to moderate levels of depression and/or anxiety. A comprehensive student wellbeing survey is also conducted each year. The 2020 survey included questions about the impact of the COVID-19 on students.

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