Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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GED in focus

In this blog you will find updates on specific aspects of the GED that will be of particular interest to educator. The blogs will be shared by members of the taskforce and invited speakers of specific topics where that will share the rationale, approach and benefit of particular domains, competence in practice.

jamesfield's picture

Prof. James Field

Short commentary on Nutrition
Many of us will remember spending hours and hours learning the biochemical pathways of the human body – ATP, NADPH, and many pathways, bi-products, enzymes and co-enzymes. It’s enough to put anyone off the subject for life. My previous degree, before Dentistry, was Zoology – and a large part of...
jamesfield's picture

Prof. James Field

Short commentary on Sustainability
Most of us would like to think that we support the concept of sustainability. After all, this is now such a global phenomenon, with such apparently-sound scientific backing. But what actually is sustainability? Do you know? The UN defines sustainability as ‘meeting the needs of the present, without...