Association for Dental Education in Europe

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Inclusion or Exclusion - where are we? Understanding the special care in dentistry curriculum 10 years on


Understanding the special care in dentistry curriculum 10 years on

Inclusion or Exclusion - where are we?
Session synopsis: 

In collaboration with the International Association for Disability and Oral Health, and our corporate partners Dentsply Sirona this webinar provides an update on current practice and insights in this increasingly important issue in the undergraduate curriculum, that of the special care dentistry consensus curriculum which this year celebrates 10 years since project inception.

Bringing together experts from practice, education and advocacy from both sides of the Atlantic, along with the winning presentations from the iADH research projects from 2020 the session will provide new insights, enlighten best practices and offer opportunity to engage with the speakers with your core questions. Below you can watch a recording of the session.

16:00 Welcome
Dr Alison Dougall President iADH
16:10 Desigining and implementing a Oral Health Centre for People with Disabilities
Dr Ron Kosinski NYU Clinical Director of the Oral Health Center for People with Disabilities
16:30 IADH - including research presentations
16:50 From Victims to Heroes to Scroungers: Changes in the public perception of disabled people​
Dr Sasha Scambler, Senior Lecturer in Medical Sociology, Kings College London
17:20 Open Forum
Question and Answer Session
17:30 Meeting Close

Learning Outcomes: 

Having engaged with the session participants will:

  1. Understand the difference between an inclusive or exlusive approach to delivery of sepcial care dentistry 
  2. Appreciate the importance of language use within special care dentistry and the impact it can have on service delivery and experience 
  3. Critically evaluate the various partical tools (such as equipment) for service inclusion that are currently available and how they may be integrated into a service to enable for example accessibility
Video - delegate access only: 

Dr Aison Dougall
President Internation Association for Disability and Oral Health, Academic Consultant in Special Care Dentistry, Dublin Dental University Hospital

Dr Alison Dougal is an academic consultant at Dublin Dental University Dental Hospital and is a Special Care Dentist with responsibility for medically complex patients and people with disabilities. She teaches Clinical Special Care Dentistry and sedation at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate level and has Clinical Consultant Posts at St James and St Vincent's Hospital, Dublin. Current she's the President of the International Association for Disability and Oral Health. She is also on the Medical Advisory Board for World Federation of Haemophilia, is past president of the Irish Society for Disability and Oral Health and is on the Irish academic reference panel working with the DOH on the new oral health policy.

She is an international speaker of repute having delivered keynote lectures in Europe, USA, Australia, South America and beyond. she has published many scientific articles and a clinical textbook of special care dentistry. She has extensive healthcare management experience and was Clinical Director of Salaried Services in Warwickshire, UK.

Dr Ron Kosinski
Clinical Director of the Oral Health Center for People with Disabilities

Dr Ron Kosinski comes from Long Island where he was the Chief and Program director at the Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New Hyde Park, New York. Dr Kosinski left the Children's Medical Center in 2014 and moved to NYU Colege of Dentistry where he assumed the title of Director of sedation and Anaesthesia. In 2018 Dr. Kosinski was named Clinical Director of the oral Health Center for People with Disabilities. Dr Kosinski was instrumental in its design and implementation.

Ron has maintained a private practice for over twenty five years. Dr Kosinski is both a paediatric dentist as well as an anaesthesiologist.

Dr Sasha Scambler
Reader in Medical Sociology,
Kings College London 

Dr Sasha Scambler is Reader in Sociology at King’s College London. She has a special interest in health, focusing on long term conditions, disability, inequality in all its various forms and social theory. She is an editor of the journal Sociology of Health and Illness and a contributing editor of the British Sociological Association (BSA) affiliated ‘cost of living blog’. She has recently completed her term as co-convenor of the BSA Medical Sociology Group.

Sasha's session 'From Victims to Heroes to Scroungers: Changes in the public perception of disabled people' stresses that Language matters. Language reflects underlying definitions and mindsets and shapes treatment.   There is no universal understanding of the concept of ‘disability’.  The nature, meaning and impact of disability depend on the geographical, historical, social, cultural and economic environments in which the person with the disability is located.  This is reflected in the treatment of disabled people over time.  Recognition of the changing nature of disability is essential to developing an understanding of disability today.  This is particularly relevant when looking at changes in popular views of disability and disabled people.  Taking the UK as a case study this talk looks at representations of disabled people over the past 50 years, focusing on the language used and the implications of this for the treatment of disabled people.  This talk tracks the move from shame to pity, from community living to Paralympic heroes, and from scroungers and benefit cheats to the rhetoric of disability as an afterthought (at best) through the Covid pandemic. 

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