Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

Today at ADEE 2021: 24th June

We close out our ADEE Strasbourg 2021 online events for June with two feature events:

At 12:00 we invite you to join 5 of ADEE's Presidents who will share their experiences of being ADEE President and the concept of dental education has changed and evolved over the last decade.

We will be joined by:

Prof Damien Walmsley UK (ADEE President 2014/15)
Prof Corrado Paganelli IT (ADEE President 2016/17)
Prof Stéphanie Tubert Jeannin FR (ADEE President 2018/19)
Prof Ilze Akota LV (ADEE President 2020/21)
Prof Pål Barkvol NO (ADEE President Elect 2022/23)

We hope you can join us! Confirm your attendance via ZOOM here


Our final event for June is another milestone event for ADEE, our first online session delivered in French

At 16:00 Dublin we welcome Prof Thierry PELACCIA who will explore the training ideal advocated in medical education with the reality experienced in practice so as to identify possible areas for improving the teaching practices of dental surgery teachers and their institutions.

French speaking colleagues can register via zoom.

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