Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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ADEE Regional representation

Members will recall that a new regional support structure was approved by the General Assembly and is now enabled through ADEE’s constitution and bylaws. Over the coming weeks we will be reaching out to our membership to invite self-nominations as part of the various regional councils.

To help inform members of what this entails, what will be expected of the regional council members and how you can apply, we will be hosting a series of online briefings and Q&A sessions as outlined below. So if you are interested in participating as a regional council member please join us and your regional colleagues at the relevant session below.

Going forward ADEE hopes to rotate our annual meetings through the regions and use the regional councils as a means of enabling access and succession planning for vacant ADEE ExCo positions.




Briefing session

Link to register

Monday 14th Feb

Region 1

United Kingdom and Ireland


ZOOM link

Region 2
Scandinavia and Baltic

Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Iceland


ZOOM link

Region 3
Western Europe

Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland


ZOOM link

Tuesday 15th Feb

Region 4
Southern Europe

France, Italy, Portugal, Spain

08:00h ZOOM link

Region 5
Balkans and Eastern Europe

Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Former Yugoslavia and Former USSR


ZOOM link

Region 6
South and Eastern Mediterranean

Northern Africa, Middle East etc.


ZOOM link

We hope you can join us!