Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

Wellbeing and Resilience in dental education: supporting our team Community Of Practice Workshop

Thursday, 24th August 2023 - 15:45 to 17:15
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90 Minute


Space 5 @ The Spine

Wellbeing and Resilience in dental education: supporting our team Community Of Practice Workshop
Session synopsis: 

Mental health and wellbeing of the dental team is critical in maintaining and retaining a healthy workforce. High levels of stress and burnout reported in dentistry can significantly impact on clinical performance and patient safety. Dentists, dental therapists and hygienists report low levels of wellbeing compared to the general population, and stress is reported to be predominantly workplace-centered (Hallett et al 2022). Education providers have a duty of care and an ethical responsibility for supporting their staff / students effectively and promoting their wellbeing and resilience.   

This COP aims to:

  • Identify the wellbeing and stress of dental educators and students. 
  • Identify the support services available, their utilization, and barriers to use,  
  • Identify good practices for promoting staff / student wellbeing and to disseminate best practices to educational establishments.  

The community of practice is inviting members to join us for an interactive sharing session at ADEE in Liverpool to discuss examples of good practice that dental schools/centres undertake with regards to health and wellbeing for staff and students and discuss any challenges.  


Welcome, Wellbeing Workshop with Terry Streather

17:20 Conclusion and take away

Shannu Bhatia

Director of staff and student matters
School of Dentistry Cardiff University, UK

Shanu is the Director of staff and student matters, Senior Clinical Lecturer and Honorary Consultant and Lead for Paediatric dentistry. She has an active interest in dental education. She leads students’ pastoral care, Equality Diversity and Inclusivity and Wellbeing with the School of Dentistry Cardiff University. She is the President designate of British Society of Paediatric dentistry 2024. She was the recipient of ADEE Dental education early career award in 2022.


Michael Botelho

Clinical Professor in Restorative Dental Sciences
University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Dentistry

Prof Michael Botelho has been at HKU for 27 years and has been actively engaged in educational reform, pedagogy and innovation. He has over 100 publications with 20 papers and 8 book chapters in education and 19 education grants. He has lectured and consulted in across South-East Asia and in Europe and North America. His educational research interests are related to the innovative use of video and online learning, PBL, flipped classes and closing the clinical transition gap. He has a number of teaching awards at HKU including the first Teaching Innovation Award, the Team Award and the UDTA. He is also a recipient of the UGC Teaching Award. He is currently the President-Elect of the Educational Research Group of the IADE. He is a former Regional Attaché for ADEE

Shannu Bhatia

Director of staff and student matters
School of Dentistry Cardiff University, UK

Shanu is the Director of staff and student matters, Senior Clinical Lecturer and Honorary Consultant and Lead for Paediatric dentistry. She has an active interest in dental education. She leads students’ pastoral care, Equality Diversity and Inclusivity and Wellbeing with the School of Dentistry Cardiff University. She is the President designate of British Society of Paediatric dentistry 2024. She was the recipient of ADEE Dental education early career award in 2022.

Terry Streather

Director and Head of Training

Terry is Director and Head of Training at Oakwood. He has been a qualified trainer for the past 15 years and is a Mental Health First Aid instructor certified by MHFA. He has extensive experience as both a frontline practitioner and trainer.

Since founding Oakwood Training in 2012 he has helped many large companies and charities look after the wellbeing and mental health of their people. He’s passionate about helping organizations to create a safer, healthier workplace, by placing wellbeing at the very core of what they do.

As a former frontline officer and supervisor in the Police Service, Terry has first-hand experience of managing personal crisis, both from members of the public and staff.

Terry understands that people's health, and in particular mental health and the way they feel has a huge impact on their  behaviors, their decisions  and productivity and he is eager to share his expertise and experience towards helping people be at their best.

Learning Outcomes: 

By the end of this session participants will be able to: