Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

ADEE Tech Talks & Expo 2021 Part 2

Friday, 27th August 2021 - 10:00 to 11:30
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90 minutes

Technology in dental education
Over a decade of innovation
Session synopsis: 

Dental faculty have been actively engaged in the use of simulation, virtual reality and haptics to deliver the pre-clinical training components of their curriculum for over a decade or more. In recent years, technologies have played a rapidly increasing role in the delivery and assessment of many elements of our core curriculum. With the arrival and ongoing impact of the COVID19 pandemic the pace of technological change and its use and impact seems to have advanced with a step change. But what of the future? What do we need to know to be ready for it? What questions should we be asking and researching? What enables us as faulty to be prepared for it? How can be get the best impact from the technologies? How can we assure the learning from technology is effective for students?

This summer session of Tech Talks and Tech Expo aims to explore these questions and many more and we invite you to consider being part of our panel to discuss key elements. We invite you to submit a short 100 word abstract that summaries for you what has been the most innovative change from technology in the past 5 years and how this may inspire the next innovation or step change. We are interest in technology in its broadest sense and hope that panels will explore technological use in the areas of

  • simulation, virtual reality and haptics
  • assessment and examinations 
  • teaching, lecturing and facilitating classroom activities
  • communication and reflective practices
10:00 Welcome from Session Chairs:
Marjoke Vervoorn & Carlos Serrano - ACTA, The Netherlands 
Learning Outcomes: 

After the ADEE tech talks session the participant will be able to:

  • Understand the increasing role and importance of technologies throughout the oral health professionals eductaion life cycle
  • Appreciate the role played by haptics, virtual reality and AI in pre clinical training 
  • Engage in debate and discussion with peers on their  work in the area of technologies 
Call for Abstracts: 

If you are interested in actively participating in this session submit your abstract (100 words) by email to no later than 31st July.

Please outline the topic and rationale for inclusion.  

Video - delegate access only: 

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