Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

The Graduating European Dentist Taskforce: Domain 5 - Research

Wednesday, 24th August 2022 - 11:00 to 13:00
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CEST (Madrid, Paris, Berlin)

Creating the Graduating European Dentists Domain 5
Room Allocation: Ibiza 1
Session synopsis: 
The ‘Graduating European Dentist’ curriculum is a suite of documents published in 2017 following two years of work with a dedicated taskforce comprising various representatives from European partner countries.

The curriculum was developed using a learning outcomes-based approach which facilitates the process of constructive alignment. The learning outcomes were determined followed a process of comprehensive curriculum inventory, and were considered by all stakeholders through a period of open consultation.

To date, the curriculum documents have been cited over 180 times since their publication, and institutions globally continue to use them to formulate their local curricula – there is also now an online digital resource dedicated to the curricula:

The 4 current domains are:

  1. Professionalism
  2. Safe and effective clinical practice
  3. Patient centred care
  4. Dentistry in Society

It is the intention of the taskforce to introduce a much-needed 5th domain - ‘Research’.

The session will be co-chaired by Dr James Field (ADEE Executive member) and Ms Ivana Ligusová (President, European Dental Students’ Association).


Prof Julia Davies
The Graduating European Dentist curriculum - where are we now?
Mr Jonathan Dixon
(Sheffield, England)
Dr James Field
The process of constructive alignment and creating tangible learning outcomes
Prof Sibylle Vitale
(Paris, France)
  Ms Ruby Long
(Cardiff, Wales)
  Ms Ivana Ligusová

All speakers and facilitators will be involved in the hands-on-workshop when delegates are split into groups

11:00 Introduction and welcome, background
11:15 Presentation 1
Prof Julia Davies
11:30 Presentation 2
Dr James Field
11:45 Workshop instructions and splitting into groups
12:00 Hands on workshop
12:45 Workshop close and plenary, next steps
13:00 Finish

Julia Davies

ADEE Treasurer
Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE)

Professor Julia Davies ADEE Treasurer from January 2021 - December 2026. She is Professor at the Department of Oral Biology in Malmö University. Sweden. Her special educational interests are assessment in relation to student-centered, activity-based learning and the challenges associated with integration of basic sciences into clinical teaching in the dental curriculum.

James Field

Professor in Restorative Dentistry and Dental Education
Cardiff University

Prof James Field is currently a Professor in Restorative Dentistry and Dental Education and also the Cardiff University School of Dentistry's Director of Digital Education. He is a long-term active member of ADEE having most recently co-chaired the very successful Bridging the Clinical Gap special interest group and workshop.

James is academic lead for the ADEE European DigEdDent (Digital Education in Dentistry) portal, was lead author for the ADEE's Graduating European Dentist Curriculum Taskforce and Global lead for Shaping The Future of Dental Education: Interprofessional Education stream. He also represents Cardiff University as the trans-national partner in O-Health-Edu, an Erasmus+ K2 project to harmonise dental education across Europe.

Learning Outcomes: 

Through participation delegate

  1. will be able to describe the process of curriculum inventory and constructive alignment
  2. will be able to share their views and opinions regarding expected research skills of Dentists at graduation
  3. Participants will be able to construct tangible and assessable learning outcomes (using Research as a functional model)

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