Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

Increasing patient safety: Part 1

Monday, 9th September 2024 - 11:30 to 13:00
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CEST (Brussels time)


90 minutes



How to assess the non-technical skills of students and trainees on the clinic in real time using a new tool called DeNTS
Session synopsis: 
Most clinical mistakes are caused by human error rather than through faulty operative techniques. Acquiring excellent non-technical skills alongside operative competencies is essential for securing patient safety in dental practice, but what are these skills and how can they be assessed? Can they be taught using AI? These two workshops introduce how to observe and rate the non-technical skills needed to underpin good and safe dental practice using a new workplace-based assessment.

Developing competence in non-technical skills from an early stage in a training programme not only satisfies the demands of curricula, but also helps to reduce operator stress, improve clinical performance, foster teamworking and build personal resilience. These session incorporate Interactive lecture format with group discussion and use of videos to illustrate and practice rating good and poor behaviours associated with situation awareness and communication.

Part 1 aims to teach participants the importance of non-technical skills for safe clinical performance and how to assess communication skills and situation awareness using a new tool called DeNTS.

11:30 Welcome and introduction
11:35 Adverse events in dentistry, the relevance of human factors and what are non-technical skills?
11:50 Introducing and explaining the DeNTS tool
12:00 Improving situation awareness: video assessment and discussion
12:30 The impact of communication: video assessment and discussion
12:50 Closing remarks

Sarah Manton

Director of the Faculty of Dental Trainers
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

Dr Sarah Manton is Director of the Faculty of Dental Trainers at The Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh and is the former Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery. She is a Specialist in Restorative, Periodontics and Special Care Dentistry and as a Consultant (Honorary Senior lecturer) in Restorative and Special Care Dentistry at Dundee Dental School, she led the sedation and special care teaching and clinical services. She has extensive experience in examining both undergraduate and postgraduate students and is the Chair of the British National Formulary Dental Advisory Group.

Learning Outcomes: 

Participants will:

  1. Understand the relevance of human factors and non-technical skills for competent performance and safe clinical practice.
  2. Learn how to apply the DeNTS taxonomy to assess the non-technical skills of students and trainees when operating on the clinic.
  3. Practice how to observe and rate good and poor behaviours associated with situation awareness and communication skills.