Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

Invitation to participate in questionnaire focusing on the work of this years SIG on Intra-Professional Education (IPE)

Colleagues are invited to participate in a questionnaire focusing on the work of this years SIG on Intra-Professional Education (IPE).  The SIG cochairs Igor Blum, Barry Quinn, Yvonne Nyblom, Anthony Roberts, Clare Mcilwaine and Chris Louca would very much welcome your input by completion of a questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire will contribute to a new Special Interest Group (SIG) at the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE), focusing on Intra-Professional Education (IPE).  The SIG will run on Thursday 3rd June 2021 - 16:00 to 18:00 (Dublin/London UTC+1; eg: For Paris add 1 Hour, for Athens 2 hours...etc) and again we would like to warmly invite you to attend.

The questionnaire will ask you about your views relating to the education of dental students with dental hygiene students (and dental therapy students where applicable) and will only take 5 minutes to complete.  We will collate your responses to allow us to inform and develop good practice in IPE.  Further information about this is found within the questionnaire. All information obtained from the questionnaire will be anonymous.

The link to the questionnaire is:

Thank you for your time and please do join the session also.