Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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Hosting ADEE

The ADEE Annual Meeting is the cornerstone event in the ADEE year. 

Each year an ADEE member institution gets the opportunity to host between 350 and 600 international delegates from over 50 countries for the association’s annual meeting. This is their opportunity to highlight their own and their countries expertise in oral health professional's education and to help shape the programme for the ADEE annual meeting.

ADEE meetings are planned at least three to five years in advance. Calls are issued online and at the General Assembly once meeting opportunities arise.

Meetings are now scheduled upto 2024 which will mark the 50th Anniversary of the association.

Bids are now currently open for our 2026 to 2028 meetings.  Prior to making a submission, interested parties should please read the Meeting Guidelines and Bidding Procedures available for download bellow, before contacting the Secretary General at to indicate their interest in hosting ADEE. Initial expressions of interest to be received by 31st July 2023.

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