Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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Joint FEDCAR - ADEE Statement following the adoption of the global oral health strategy during the 75th session of the World Health Assembly (WHA)

The Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE) and the Federation of European Dental Regulators (FEDCAR) welcome the WHA’s adoption today of the global oral health strategy and look forward in the coming months to its implementation into Action Plans defined by the WHO and the 192 Member States of the World Health Assembly.

This lanmark strategy is only a start. There is a lot ahead of us - and within a limited time- to integrate these orientations into ‘adequate’ curricula and training programmes, as the strategy plans it. Acamedics are designed as ‘key stakeholders’ in this strategy and the regularly updated A.D.E.E.’s «profile and competencies» of the European oral health professionals will indeed be a key compass to set up this future

- Professor Pål Barkvoll, President of ADEE and previous dean at the University of Oslo.

This historic move from the WHA will shape the future competences of the ‘dentists and mid-level oral health care providers’ targetted by the strategy. National ‘legislative and regulatory policies for the licensing and accreditation of the health workforce’ will evolve, as the strategy underlines it. In compliance with their mission of guaranteeing patient’s safety, dental regulators will be anxious to accompany professional evolutions in Europe of the dental team with the supervision of the dentist

- Dr Massimo Ferrero, chair of FEDCAR and president of the dental commission of Aosta in FNOMCeO

ADEE and FEDCAR will pay attention to integrate this WHO global oral health strategy into their activities when engaging with the European Union.

Read the WHO article clicking here