Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

January 2020

From the desk of the President 

Dear Colleagues, It is my honour and privilege to serve as the President of ADEE for 2020 and 2021. Many of you will probably remember me from ADEE 2014 in Riga, Latvia however, in the interest of transparency it is prudent I provide you with some information on my background.

I am a full Professor of Oral surgery and currently Head of Department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery and former dean (1999-2003) of the faculty of Dentistry and former vice rector for education (2003-2013) in Riga Stradins University in Latvia. I have served as board member of IADR NOF division being past president of division in 2018-2019.

Coming from one of the Baltic States (Latvia) my background in dental education is based on uniform core curriculum in stomatology. Historically for the most part in this model of dental education curriculum consisted of general medicine approach to training. However, in recent years this has changed considerably and being part of this evolution I have some experience in developing and changing the dental programme to create a modern and vibrant curriculum. Continue to read here.


ADEE institutional membership fees now due

Members will have received their annual institutional membership invoice in early January. These fall due for payment within 30 day. We would very much welcome your support in prompt payment as membership is a core funding that enables the delivery of our annual activities. Should your organisation have not received your invoice or you need specific information such as Purchase Order etc on it please ensure the relevant authority contacts Judith who will gladly assist. Remember your membership fee remains unchanged at €575. For this your entire faculty and students can register as an ADEE member and avail of membership rates at the annual meeting, gain access to the European Journal of Dental Education as well as proposed and lead various ADEE activities such as workshops and Special Interest Groups. You can also pay your invoice following this link.


Register as a user on our new site

Users will by now have received three reminders to register as a user on our new website. This is a short process and only takes a few minutes. This is however important that you take the time to do this and ensure you link your profile to your current ADEE membership institution. In the coming months we will no longer be able to use the old ADEE membership data base as consent to use will have expired through GDPR. If you have not registered you may find that you cannot avail of membership rates for the annual meeting. If you have not yet done so please register here.


Call for expressions of interest in the role of ADEE President Elect

At the end of 2020 a number of vacancies will become vacant within the ADEE Executive Committee. During 2020 the nominations committee wish to make recommendation for appointments to these various positions in a structured way. This process is now commencing with the issue for a call for expressions of interest in the role of president elect 2021 (ADEE president 2022-2023). Read on...