Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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OHE Datahub Directory - ADEE Member Profile

Within the O-Health-Edu project Intellectual Outputs 4, 5, 6 and 8 were coordinated through an online data hub which allows real-time reporting of submitted data.

Designated institutional contacts complete the online data hub that populates a number of real time display resources including: 

  • An institutional report card;
  • Core survey metrics;
  • Inform the development of IO06 summary fact sheets;
  • Inform overall national, regional and European level summary reports.

The individual institution is in control of the information they display in the report card and they are encourage to keep it updated at least annually. If you are a designated institutional contact for your university or dental school and would like to have your data included please commence by created a designated institutional contact user profile for

ADEE sees meaningful longer term value from this concept and have begun integrating these concepts within its database of institutional membership.

This has commenced with the plotting of membership on an interactive map and the population of institutional profile cards has begun. As time evolves we will be in contact with members to ensure their institutional profile is regularly updated and to invite them to update key criteria to enable ADEE publish and communicate key member statistics.