Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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Clinical Skills Teaching


A new Special Interest Group hosting its first meeting in Szeged 2015.  The Clinical Skills Teaching Special Interest Group is chaired by Dr James Field (UK).

Aims and Objectives

The core focus of this the Clinical Teaching Special Interest Group will be to promote discussion and dissemination of innovative practice in relation to dental clinical skills teaching.  In particular it aims to:

  • Create an international forum for discussing existing and innovative teaching methods
  • Give consideration to supportive materials and methods for clinical skills teaching
  • Compare teaching practice across Europe and share good practice
2016 Meeting Barcelona Spain

The 2016 meeting of the SIG attracted over 70 delegates to a highly interactive session in Barcelona Spain.  

Presentations were made by the following:

  • James Field (Newcastle Dental School): Update of pan-European skills questionnaire data and invitations for help in writing-up
  • Iad Gharib (Newcastle Dental School): Surrogate markers of professionalism
  • Paul Miller (VEO): Video-enhanced observation tools
  • Andy Keeling (Leeds Dental School): Bridging the gap between pre-clinical and clinical training
2015 meeting Szeged Hungary

There was a very engaging group at Szeged, with around 60 signed up to the SIG. The meeting used cloud technology to record current teaching practice of pre-clinical skills cross Europe as a pilot. Very interesting data was collected and subsequent discussion.

A Presentation surrounding the use of traditional simulator units and the hidden curriculum was well recieved. The meeting split into working groups to consider:

  1. Live microscope demonstration/guidance
  2. Difficulties with teaching clinical skills and potential supportive materials for teachers
  3. How to teach aspects of professionalism within the skills environment
  4. The differences between pre-clinical and clinical/postgraduate skills teaching

The meeting worked in groups and then summarised. To consider as a larger group before Barcelona, with the aim of publishing some recommendations or guidance in EJDE.

To formulate as a group, a pan-European questionnaire based on the pilot in Szeged to canvass wider and more comprehensive opinion about skills teaching practice across Europe. Findings to be published in EJDE.

Future Plans

The primary outcome of the initial meeting will be a three year work plan covering 2015-2018.