Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

DigEdDent - Digital Education in Dentistry

This resource has been created in order to better support educators in the digital delivery and assessment of dental and oral health programmes.

You will find more resources under each specific domain.

You can also search within our growing library for case studies and published practise.

If you would like to share innovative practice within this emerging field, then please do submit a case study using the link, and we will consider this for inclusion in the library.

We hope that you find this resource useful – and good luck as we enter an exciting new phase of digital education
Prof James Field , DigEdDent Curator

Prof James Field
DigEdDent Curator

Professor in Restorative Dentistry and Dental Education
Cardiff University School of Dentistry

© ADEE 2019

by Brag, Design & Digital