Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

ADEE 2022 Mailing - An invitation from Colgate

Colgate is proud to support the ADDE and the Conference Programme and cordially invites you to an interesting session on Wednesday, 24th August 2022 - 11:00 to 13:00, Room Ibiza 2.


Workshop: Supporting dental students develop mental resilience by understanding Mental Health First Aid

This interactive session is run by Dr. Terry Streather, a certified Mental Health First Aid Instructor and will bring from and center mental health in young people by:

  • providing a basic framework for understanding resilience and mental health
  • defining some of the common mental health issues affecting young people, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders and psychosis
  • opening the conversation about how to best support young people experiencing mental health issues in the university setting

Dr. Terry Streather
Director and Head of Training at Oakwood

Terry Streather has been a qualified trainer for the past 15 years and is a Mental Health First Aid instructor certified by MHFA. He has extensive experience as both a frontline practitioner and mental health trainer.

He’s passionate about helping organizations to create a safer, healthier workplace, by placing wellbeing at the very core of what they do and he is eager to share his expertise towards helping people be at their best.


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