Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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SCAM ALERT: Attempts to scam individuals by claiming to be affiliated to/supported by ADEE have again been notified to us

We are aware of an ongoing scam that is attempting to pass itself off as being associated to ADEE.

In the majority of contexts persons (in most cases elderly or retired males) are being targeted and being contacted by email from Russian females (a variety of names have been used but all have been eastern European in origin thus far). It would appear this scam is targeting a particular cohort who may have IT vulnerability and inexperienced online expertise. 

The individual in most cases builds up over a period of time an online friendship with the target usually around a common interest in dental education.  She then floats the concept that she has won an ADEE scholarship/award/training programme and she needs funding and support to attend this.

The funding she claims varies considerably.

It is important to note that this has nothing what so ever to do with ADEE, is not indorsed by ADEE and it is nothing but an attempt to phis your bank details and defraud. Do not engage with this under any circumstance.

We also wish to point out that all the individual who have contacted us are not on our mailing list, thus the individual is likely getting information from other individuals email contact list and we advise you run anti-viral software on your computer and email regularly.

Be vigilant online never pay anything to individuals purporting to be related to ADEE without contact the ADEE office in the first instance to validate the claim.