Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

February 2023

ADEE 2023 Liverpool

We are delighted to advise that the programme for ADEE Liverpool 2023 is nearing finalisation and we expect registration to open mid-March. Don't forget to visit the website and explore the programme. We also take this opportunity to remind you of ADEE 2023 key dates as follows: 

Abstract submission is now open:

  • Abstract submission closes 31st March 
  • Early Bird and group discount registration closes 31st May 
  • Standard registration closes 31st July.


ADEE 2023 Institutional Membership

Membership invoices issued in early January and are now due for payment. The ADEE executive thanks most sincerely the institutions who have already paid the 2023 membership fee and would remind those yet to process payment that for your faculty to avail of member rate for ADEE 2023 institutional membership must be paid up to date.

For membership queries please contact


ADEE 2023 Accommodation 

In partnership with Liverpool Convention Bureau we are pleased to launch the dedicated booking site for all your meeting accommodation needs.

For more information or to book your best value accommodation now click here.


Member Surveys

We encourage you to visit our new membership survey page and to participate in any surveys that may be of relevant to you.

Click here for more information.


Community of Practice of Wellbeing and resilience (COPoWeR)

The role of Wellbeing and resilience in enhancing the working environment and students’ learning journeys is well-documented. Education providers have a duty of care and an ethical responsibility for supporting their staff and their students effectively and promoting their wellbeing and resilience. Recognising this, the ADEE has recently launched a COP on wellbeing and resilience. The COP committee members believe that identifying and tackling the causes of poor wellbeing and resilience and offering appropriate, timely support to the staff and students will enable them to improve their working environment, their educational journey, maximise their potential to deliver better quality patient care and improve their quality of life. The COP aims to share good practice with the larger ADEE community and beyond. The COP steering committee has met to establish the aims and the initial objectives of the group and would value the input of all the ADEE members into enhancing them. The COP aims to: Address staff and student wellbeing and resilience to help them to thrive. And the Objectives defined are: 

  1. To understand current levels of student and staff wellbeing and resilience
  2. To understand the strategies currently in place across European Dental Schools, to support wellbeing and resilience 
  3. To understand the barriers and challenges faced by Dental schools across Europe in ensuring staff and student wellbeing and resilience 
  4. To share good practice and determine how institutions can bring about sustainable changes necessary support wellbeing of staff and students.
  5. To identify potential areas for research and innovation with regards to wellbeing and resilience 

The COPoWeR (Community of Practice of Wellbeing and resilience) team are:

  • Chair Shannu Bhatia (UK), Ruby Long (Wales, UK)
  • Mike Botelho (Hong Kong)
  • Sviatlana Anishchuk (Ireland)
  • Morag Powell (England UK)
  • Ronald Gorter (Netherlands)
  • Yvonne Howell (Ireland)

Please get in touch with us if you have any suggestions that we may consider regarding our aim and objectives, how you wish to contribute to these or the COP, and or wish to participate in the surveys and actions to fulfil the objectives.


Academic Position Available

Don't forget that ADEE members can advertise their vacant positions on our positions page!

There are currently available positions that may be of interest to members.