Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life


The footprint and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the academic setting has seen considerable discussion in educational publications and the press. The release of ChatGPT in late 2022 caused a frenzy of news, opinion pieces, and social media discussion that ranged from the foretelling of the demise of education as we know it, to AI being the solution to all our problems.

It is clear AI is here to stay and it is already having an impact on academic endeavour. It is in this context that the theme for ADEE 2024 was selected. Given the breath of influence AI can have in the academic and clinical settings, the ADEE has decided it would be prudent to focus our discussions on three streams, over each of our days together at ADEE 2024, as follows:

pre-meeting programme

Join ADEE 2024 Annual Meeting in Leuven