Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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Aesthet(h)ics Dentistry: Medical vs. Ethical Aspects of Multidisciplinary Treatment in the Under - and Postgraduate Education

Aims and Objectives

The multifaceted and demanding aspects of treatment in dentistry create areas of conflict in various specialist divisions. The wide spectrum of  parameters that influence the realization of successful treatments in dentistry includes functional requirements, ethical and bio-psycho-social parameters or even cultural and social aspects. This diversity of contents can not always be reflected in the current curriculas and are -in many cases- only partially taught.

The ongoing growth of patient’s demands regarding esthetics, function and longevity of dental treatment necessitates amplifications both in undergraduate and postgraduate level with the aim of defining structured and homogenous curricular contents for interdisciplinary therapies.

This SIG aims to analyze the current educational status, to define future needs and to purpose educational formats for the university curricula, as well for the area of Continuing Professional Development leading to a harmonization of the educational contents regarding multidisciplinary treatment in Dentistry.

SIG Chairs

The Chairs of this Special Interest Group are Robert Sader and Georgia Trimpou.

Next Meeting

The SIG will meet for the first time at ADEE 2019 in Berlin.