Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

ADEE Liverpool Reminders

Be web security conscious

We have been made aware of yet another pishing scam targeting users. On this occasion an email purporting to be from IT ADEE suggests that your email or login access has expired. This is a complete scam hoping to obtain your passwords and other personal details. Remember your user profile on our website never expires unless you delete your account. Remember also with anything concerning your user account go direct to and do not click on any other external links.


Reminder: ADEE 2023 Liverpool Registration Closes 31st July

Members are reminded that registration for ADEE 2023 meeting in Liverpool UK closes on 31st July. You have just one week left to secure your place.  

Ensure you register before that date to ensure your attendance.


Reminder: Evidence Based Education Resources for Oral Health Professionals

As the decades have evolved it has become increasingly important for dental educators to be appropriately qualified not only in evidence-based dentistry but also in evidenced based education. While there are many educational publications and resources applications to medical education those that focus on dental and oral health professionals’ education are limited. ADEE feels it is now well positioned to address this gap by the creation of a series of resources in evidenced based education and share these openly with members to improve their academic practices.

A taskforce has been created to scope the need for evidence-based education resources for oral health professionals. We would like you to complete the following short questionnaire to help us to identify the need for these resources in the global dental education community.


Reviewing Assessment and Feedback Strategies in Dental Schools Throughout Europe

The Special Interest Group focusing on 'Reviewing Assessment and Feedback Strategies in Dental Schools Throughout Europe' at the forthcoming ADEE conference in Liverpool invites ADEE membership to complete a short questionnaire. It should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and your time is greatly appreciated.


Final call for submission: Use of 3D scanning and printing technologies to enhance dental teaching

This is a final call to have your work included in the session 'Use of 3D scanning and printing technologies to enhance dental teaching', chaired by Mr Edward Williams of Cardiff University the session aims to showcase best practices in the area of 3D scanning and printing technologies and features the work of ADEE membership.

To have you work considered for inclusion email


Environmental Sustainability in Oral Health Professional Education

The ADEE Sustainability SIG invites you to participate in a short survey on environmental sustainability. The SIG is interested in how you institution approaches the teaching of environmental sustainability.

To complete the survey click here.

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by Brag, Design & Digital