Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

ADEE 2021 Still to come in June

As we enter the final weeks of June we still have 3 ADEE 2021 sessions to bring you:


On Tuesday 22nd June at 16:00 Dublin we bring you our Special Interest Group on Professionalism in Dentistry

This highly interactive session aims to: explore the emerging issues and challenges for professionalism; how professionalism is taught at undergraduate level and through continuing professional development; if the expectations of professionalism differ between different dental professionals and between different professions; and what support mechanisms and mentorship roles are in place to help professionals learn from lapses in professionalism and move on.

ADEE 2021 delegates confirm your attendance via zoom.


On Thursday 24th June at 12:00 noon Dublin we invite you to join a conversation with ADEE Presidents, past, present and future.

Reflecting on 10 years of change in Dental Education and ADEE, the session promises to be insightful and engaging.

ADEE 2021 delegates confirm your attendance via zoom.


To bring June to a close we have an ADEE milestone with the delivery of its first ever online session delivered in French.

Prof Thierry PELACCIA will explore the training ideal advocated in medical education with the reality in order to identify possible areas for improving the teaching practices of dental surgery teachers and their institutions.

French speaking colleagues can register via zoom.

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