Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

ADEE Strategic Plan – Priority Area 5 – ADEE embedding Evidence Based Education

Thursday, 24th August 2023 - 15:45 to 17:15
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90 Minute

Strategic scoping of the need for evidence based education resources for oral health professionals
Space 4 @ The Spine
Session synopsis: 

The ADEE Strategic Plan has prioritised the embedding of evidence base within the curriculum. Members of the task force have since early 2023 been researching and reviewing the current evidence base and will present their findings and priorities for ADEE's focus over the coming years that will lead to ADEE publications and guidance of interest to its member institutions. The aim is not to replicate what is already published rather address meaningfully gaps identified by the taskforce. 

Upen Patel (Birmingham, UK) and Ina Schüler (Jena, Germany) have been appointed by the ADEE Executive Committee to lead on this strategic action plan on behalf of ADEE. The strategic action plan has two components: 

  • Strategic Action A: Strategic scoping of the need for evidence based education resources for oral health professionals
  • Strategic Action B: Devising an ‘implementing evidence based academic guidance development process’ within ADEE that will be responsible for the development of ADEE evidence based education resources

At this time, Upen and Ina are asking for those individuals from the ADEE membership who are interested in being part of the Liverpool working group to attend to identify if there is a need for evidence based education resources that address oral health professionals’ education and to assess the need for such resources within its member population. The aim of this overall strategic priority is not to replicate what exists in other professions (e.g. medicine), rather to address specific needs identified by members in the area of evidence based dental education. Example may include competence assessment, use of bricolage in oral health profession education etc.

The working group will on completion of its strategic scoping work present a prioritised needs analysis for such resources, clearly outlining where and how ADEE can address a specific need. We look forward to seeing you in Liverpool.
15:45 Welcome & Introduction
15:55 Presentation of working groups progress to date
16:15 Small group work: Assess the need for evidence-based education resources available that address oral health professionals’ education within its member population
16:35 Feedback from groups
16:45 Discussion on common themes 
17:00 Consensus and agreement: Is there a need for evidence-based education resources that address oral health professionals’ education?
17:10 Next steps and closing remarks: Presentation of a prioritised needs analysis for resources identifying where and how ADEE can address a specific need 

Ina Schüler

Head of Section of Preventive and Paediatric Dentistry
Friedrich-Schiller Universitat Jena

Priv.-Doz. Dr Ina Schüler is head of Section of Preventive and Paediatric Dentistry at Jena University Hospital, Germany. She finished her Habilitation in 2018 at Jena University Hospital and the Master of Medical Education (MME-D) in 2017 at University Heidelberg. Her special educational research interests are Feedback, Assessment, Chairside Teaching and Entrustable Professional Activities in Dentistry. Ina's medical resaerch focusses on oral health in patients with special healthcare needs.

Upen Patel

Associate Clinical Professor & Honorary Consultant Restorative Dentistry
University of Birmingham, Dental Hospital, UK

Dr Upen Patel was appointed as a full-time Clinical Lecturer in Restorative Dentistry at the University of Birmingham (UK) in 2008. He has since completed his PhD studies, appointed lead for eLearning, Assessment and is the Deputy Head of Undergraduate Education for the School of Dentistry. He is currently training to become a Consultant in Restorative Dentistry. Upen teaches undergraduate dental students in all five years of the BDS degree programme and delivers postgraduate training for dental-care-professionals. Upen is Chairperson for the UK & RoI Dental Schools Council Assessment in Dental Education Group, a member of the Executive Committee of the Association for Dental Education in Europe and a member of the Editorial Board for the European Journal of Dental Education. Upen has led many Special Interest Groups and initiatives with ADEE and has been involved in facilitating and coordinating workshops for ADEE-ADEA collaborations. Upen is an ADEE, Executive Committee Member.


Learning Outcomes: 

This session aims to provide delegates:

  • With ability to demonstrate the scoping exercise and results for the existing evidence based education resources available that address oral health professionals’ education
  • To identify if there is a need for evidenced based education
  • To identify if there is a need for a “systematic overview” on available evidence based educational resources

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