Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

Community of Practice Professionalism

Monday, 9th September 2024 - 14:00 to 15:30
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CEST (Brussels Time)


90 Minutes



Session synopsis: 

A meeting of the ADEE Community of Practice on Professionalism.


Please join us for this 3rd session of our COP in Professionalism. We will be continuing the conversation around key themes essential to the teaching and learning of Professionalism. The purpose of this session is to share the results of the COP’s scholarly activity this past year establishing foundations essential for colleagues involved in the teaching of Professionalism for all members of the Dental Team:

  • Update on publications by the COP
  • Meta-ethonograpic analysis of completed Professionalism Curriculum Literature review
  • Definition of the effective practitioner in Professionalism: workshop and consensus statement
  • AI and Oral Health Education:
    • challenges and opportunities for students and staff
    • impact on Professionalism specifically
    • guidance put in place to provide framework for the use of AI by staff and students in Oral Health Education Institutions

Melanie Nasseripour

Lead for the ADEE COP in Professionalism
Kings College London, UK

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Dr Melanie Nasseripour DDS, MSc, PhD is a Reader in Ethics and Dental Education at the Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences, King’s College London. She is Module Lead for Dentistry In Society and co-Lead for Professionalism. Her main research interests are in the field of Ethics, Professionalism, Conservative and Minimal Intervention Dentistry, in particular as applied to oral health education and assessment. She has been teaching for over 15 years in both Undergraduate and Postgraduate Dental Education supervising clinical care, masters and PhD level research projects as well as being module lead in the Advanced Minimum Intervention Dentistry MSc programme.

Learning Outcomes: 

By the end of this session participants will be able to:

  • Understand what is a meta-ethnographic analysis
  • Discuss and establish the shared definition of effective practitioner
  • Identify the Impact of AI on Professionalism
  • Appreciate undergraduate students AI practices
  • Appreciate the common strategies put in place by Governance bodies in response