Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

FEHDD 2020 Online Access

Thank you for registering for the FEHDD 2020 Meeting Online.
New challenges arising from COVID-19 pandemic in the clinical education environment

This session is the first in a series provided in partnership with FEHDD and Colgate aimed at supporting Deans and Heads of Dental schools to tackle issues of concern during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

We are pleased to share this important information on the meeting.

To connect: Please click here for the link to access the meeting on ZOOM on Thursday 1st October.
Meeting ID: 940 7083 6822  Meeting Passcode: 391483
Find your local number:

Please join no later than 8:45 BST / 9:45 CET / 10:45 EET

We are inviting everyone to connect 15 minutes before the start of the actual session, for a quick orientation on the ZOOM and Google tools that will be used during the session. This will enable a prompt start and an effective active participation from all of you during the day.

About the session

 The session consists in three core activities.

  1. Roundtable discussion Professor Julia Davis,  ADEE Executive Member will chair a panel discussion that brings together leaders from dental education, the practice profession, the student bodies, dental research and public health to discuss the challenges we face in dental education responses to the COVID19 Pandemic.
  2. Prioritising Needs. A framework on prioritisation will be introduced to enable the prioritisation of forward actions for Dental Heads and Deans in light of what was identified in the round table discussion.  We will aim at creating a work plan for future FEHDD meetings, based on identified priorities.
  3. Practical Tools in Time Management Mr Alex Selwood will facilitate a practical hands-on session on effective time management tailored to senior academics, focused on driving effective on-line meetings in these unprecedented times of COVID19.
Your contribution

All three activities will benefit from your valuable active participation, so please be ready to interact, share and contribute for the benefit of the entire FEHDD community.
If you would like to invite a fellow colleague to participate in this session, please feel free to share access to this link.

Looking forward meeting you on-line on October 1st.



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