Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

Integrating AI into Dental Student Assessments: Current and Future Status.

Wednesday, 20th August 2025 - 11:30 to 13:00
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Dublin (IST, UTC+1)


Dargan Auditoriumm (Tier) TCDBS

Session synopsis: 
Artificial intelligence (AI) has accelerated changes in the landscape of dental student assessments, having already influenced higher education globally. However, not all dental educators are comfortable with the use of AI and its impact on student assessments.

This Special Interest Group (SIG) progresses the data collected from the ADEE 2024 SIG, “AI: Friend or Foe in the Assessment of Dental Students”. We will further investigate aspects of AI previously identified and relating to threats, concerns, opportunities and improvements in the assessment of dental students. The challenge is to use AI to facilitate robust and effective assessments that can also facilitate student learning.



Introduction: An introduction to PACS COP Team


Summary of current status based on previous

findings and contemporary literature


Q&A and discussion 




Peter Fine

Deputy Director of the Restorative Dental Practice programme
UCL Eastman Dental Institute

Dr Peter Fine is Deputy Director of the Restorative Dental Practice programme at UCL Eastman Dental Institute, UK. He is also Director of the Master’s Degree in Sports Dentistry-Oral Health in Sport at UCL Eastman Dental Institute. He has supervised over 80 MSc projects at UCL Eastman Dental Institute and has lectured throughout the world in both educational and sports dentistry research topics. His current interests in educational research include the role of feedback in ongoing dental education; and in sports dentistry, his research interests include the use of mouthguards as performance enhancing devises and changes to salivary pH during exercise.

Dr Fine received the Association of Dental Education in Europe (ADEE) Mature Career Dental Educator Award in 2019.


Albert Leung

Professor of Dental Education and Head of Continuing Professional Development
UCL Eastman Dental Institute, UK

Professor Albert Leung BDS LLM MA PhD FGDSRCSI FDSRCS FDSRCPSG FFGDP FHEA, is Professor of Dental Education and Head of Continuing Professional Development at UCL Eastman Dental Institute, UK. He is the Immediate Past Dean and Dental Projects Lead for the Faculty of Dentistry of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

Professor Leung is Academic Lead and Chief Examiner in Clinical Skills (Dental Manikin) for the UK General Dental Council’s Overseas Registrations Examination (ORE). He has supervised over 90 MSc dissertations at UCL Eastman Dental Institute and has a strong academic practice profile in four continents. He has an extensive and successful innovative leadership in change management portfolio. He presents and publishes his pedagogic work widely.

Professor Leung received the Association of Dental Education in Europe (ADEE) Mature Career Dental Educator Award in 2017.

Chris Louca

Director and Head
University of Portsmouth Dental Academy

Professor Chris Louca BDS, BSc, PhD, AKC, FFD RCSI, FCGDent is the Director and Head of the University of Portsmouth Dental Academy. He is responsible for the undergraduate and postgraduate education of dentists, dental therapists, dental hygienists and dental nurses, with a strong emphasis on intra-and inter-professional learning. Chris has over 30 years’ experience of teaching, research, innovation and international accreditation/consultancy in dentistry. His previous academic posts include King’s College London and UCL Eastman Dental Institute. He has supervised 8 PhD and over 90 MSc students and his current PG students are researching topics in dental education, dental public health, and dental materials. He presents his work regularly at the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) and Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE) and other international conferences. Chris has published over 90 original articles in dental peer reviewed journals. He received the ADEE Mature Career Dental Educator Award in 2015.

Ingrid Tonni

Associate researcher
Dental School of University of Brescia in Italy

Dr Ingrid Tonni holds an Associate research position at the Dental School of University of Brescia in Italy, where she works in the orthodontic and gnathological departments and she has the assignment: "Orthodontic management of patients with cleft lip and palate". She obtained her PhD in 2011 following completion of a part-time study programme at Cardiff University looking at the development of agreed learning outcomes and the associated use and perceived value of a reflective E-Portfolio in a Specialist Orthodontic Training Programme. She has been a teacher at the the Dental School of University of Brescia in Italy for more than 10 years, supervising undergraduate and postgraduate students. She received the Association of Dental Education in Europe (ADEE) Young Career Dental Educator Award in 2015.  She presents her work regularly at national and international conferences and is author of several publications. Ingrid Tonni’s current research interests include education (assessment and feedback), orthodontics, asymmetry, gnathology, and Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. 

Learning Outcomes: 

During the session, delegates will:

i) how traditional methods of assessment have been modified/changed due to the impact of AI.

ii) the impact of AI on the effectiveness of dental student assessments

iii) how best to ensure that the use of AI facilitates student learning