Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

'Lage landen' Oral Health Faculties Meeting

Saturday, 7th September 2024 - 10:00 to 14:00
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CEST (Brussels time)


5 hours


The Faculty Club: Georges Lemaître

Session synopsis: 

A meeting of the faculties of Belgian and Dutch oral health teachers, focussing on key regional challenges and priorities. 


Welcome and outline of session objectives


SHARING as a form of collaboration
Presentation of Dominique Niesten: ‘Edemtet.EU: eCampus for Dental Education supporting multidisciplinary team-based learning and evidence-based treatment planning’
Followed by Q&A 


ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE to enhance collaboration
Presentation of Jens Bürger: ‘The KU Leuven Institute for Artificial Intelligence’
Followed by Q&A 


Comfort break


Break out group discussions

  • Question 1: Sharing as a form of collaboration:
    • How can we implement this initiative in the Lage Landen?
    • Specific plan with deadlines for follow up
  • Question 2: AI to enhance collaboration
    • How can AI help in dental education in the setting of the Lage Landen?
    • Which initiatives/tools/ resources do already exist and how to share them?
  • Question 3: Understaffing in academia: how to tackle it in the Lage Landen?
  • Question 4: How to implement WHO’s strategic health plan in dental education?
    • Are there first approaches to do so in the Lage Landen?
      • How can we collaborate?

Summary of the findings of the groups


Conclusions and future steps


Maria Cadenas

Assistant Professor of Orthodontics
KU Leuven

Maria is Assistant Professor at the section of Orthodontics of the Department of Oral Health Sciences of KU Leuven University, Belgium, where she is involved in postgraduate training and is responsible of the orthodontic research output. Her research interests are Biology of Tooth Movement, Root resorption, Tooth Transplantation and Cleft Lip and Palate. She has worked as a clinical orthodontist since 2012, mainly on patients with Cleft lip and Palate, Craniofacial syndromes, multiple congenitally missing teeth, enamel and dentin abnormalities and dental trauma.

She also coordinates the international relations of the school of Dentistry of KU Leuven and is Councillor of the Orthodontic Research Group (ORG) of the International Association of Dental Research (IADR), member of European Orthodontic Society (EOS) and the Digital Taskforce of the Network of Erasmus Based European Orthodontic Programs (NEBEOP), where she leads the development of the NEBEOP Web Academy, and online platform for postgraduate teaching in orthodontics.

Ronald Gorter

Associate Professor
Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam

Ronald Gorter, PhD, is Associate Professor at the Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), The Netherlands. He is former Director of Education at ACTA.

Ronald is ADEE Executive, represents ADEE on the Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe, and is Editor in Chief of the European Journal for Dental Education. He is (co-)author of about hundred Dutch and international professional and scientific publications.