Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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Covid-19 European Dental Education’s Immediate Response.

Summary of responses to the ADEE Covid-19 European Dental Education Immediate Response Questionnaire.

The ADEE executive issued a statement on Covid-19 and the impact it is having on dental education on 23rd March 2020 and also commenced work on creating a centralised resource for members on Covid-19 resources, articles, papers and commentary of relevance to dental education and clinical practice.

Following this a short questionnaire was issued to European dental schools open to responses from 25th of March and remains open. You can download a copy of the questionnaire by clicking the PDF below.

An open access published commentary on the responses can be accessed on the EJDE here and if you are a registered user you can access charts summarising the responses here.

Clicking the map to the left will take you to an interactive map detailing the name and location of responding institutions. 

ADEE thanks most sincerely its members for taking time to respond to this questionnaire in such a swift manner.

Related documents: 
PDF icon COVID-19 Questionnaire2.19 MB