The last quarter of 2024 saw the ADEE LEADER programme re-engage following an absence of visits during the COVID pandemic.
Over several dates in October, the Dean, staff, and students at the College of Dentistry, University of Baghdad, Iraq met virtually with key ADEE educators as part of the LEADER programme. Having previously submitted their self-assessment report, representatives from the College met with LEADER panel members to further discuss their policies and processes around strategic planning, quality assurance, educational stakeholders engagement, human resource management, and curriculum. In December, the panel produced a report of their findings: commending the school on its school's continuous quality improvement efforts and providing feedback and recommendations for furthering their efforts.
From November 4 to 7, 2025 the Faculty of Dental Medicine of Monastir, Tunisia hosted an on-site LEADER visit. Similar to Baghdad's case, the panel evaluated the school's self-assessment report in advance, and then in November met with faculty and students. The visit ended with the panel's presentation of preliminary findings back to the school. The panel members have since produced a draft report of their findings which will shortly be finalised.
ADEE thanks both the College of Dentistry, University of Baghdad and the Faculty of Dental Medicine of Monastir for their participation in the programme and the warm welcomes given to our LEADER panelists.

You can find out more about LEADER on the dedicated webpages.