Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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Call for applications: Editor in Chief (EJDE) 2021 to 2024

In collaboration with John Wiley & Sons (the Publisher), the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE) are seeking an Editor-in-Chief for the European Journal of Dental Education to serve an initial four-year term commencing 1st Jan 2021 to 31st December 2024. EJDE is the official journal of the ADEE, and serves over 400 ADEE society members, as well as a truly global multi-lingual readership. The Editor-in-Chief will take the lead in further developing the journal both in terms of scientific content and extend of content available to readers. EJDE is currently the highest-ranking journal dedicated to dental education. Dental education in general is developing rapidly and the Editor-in-Chief will be capable of developing and executing a strategy for the journal to include all core aspects of educational research. The Editor-in-Chief will be able to lead and collaborate with a team of Associate Editors to execute on the publication strategy.

The Editor-in-Chief is expected to attend the ADEE Executive committee meetings, which take place in February and August. In addition, there are approximately 10 monthly meetings which are held via a virtual platform. In addition, the Editor-in-Chief is expected to manage the meeting abstracts system for the annual ADEE conference and in addition present an annual report to the General Assembly and to hold an Editorial Board meeting during the conference program.

The post as Editor-in-Chief carries an annual stipend. The application deadline is December 1st, 2019, following which a shortlist will be developed by the ADEE and Wiley, with a view to interviews in January 2020. The successful candidate will be presented to the ADEE Executive meeting in February 2020.

Candidates for the position should:

  • Have an internationally high standing in dental education
  • Have a broad knowledge of basic and clinical research in the field
  • Be experienced in editorial decision-making
  • Be highly skilled in editing and writing

The duties of the Editor-in-Chief will include:

  • Collaborate with the publisher to create strategies that will help to attract, serve and retain authors in the relevant research communities
  • Taking responsibility for the scientific content of EJDE.
  • Soliciting authoritative, original and high-quality content e.g. review articles and other special articles
  • In collaboration with the Publisher to appoint members for the editorial board including Associate Editors from different areas, with different fields of expertise as well as from different geographical regions. Assigning manuscripts for peer review to the appropriate Associate Editors.
  • Dealing with (in close collaboration with the publisher) publication ethical issues, conflict of interests etc.
  • Supervising the processes of peer review, reviewer selection, and communication with authors.
  • Ensuring a rapid and efficient handling of all submitted manuscripts.
  • Collaborate with the Publisher in order to increase the number of articles published (for example by organizing special sections or allocating entire issues to specific topics of content) without compromising the quality of content.
  • Maintaining the flow of accepted papers at a level and on a schedule for regular quarterly publication of EJDE.
  • Work with the Publisher to facilitate that manuscripts rejected by EJDE can transfer for evaluation to other dental journals published by Wiley. The transfer will be at authors request.
  • Work with the publisher on key performance indicators (KPIs) by which to assess performance of the journal and its editorial team.

Application package:

  • A current curriculum vitae;
  • Evaluation of EJDE’s current content, organization, appearance and policies along with recommendations for change, if any;
  • Specific objectives he/she wants to achieve over the duration of his/her term;
  • Strategies to increase the volume of high-quality content published in EJDE;
  • Approach to maintaining the quality, accuracy and fairness of the review process.

Application deadline: 1st December 2019

Please send in your application by email to Mie Bak, Journals Publishing Manager, at