Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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Call for membership ADEE GED Taskforce

The ADEE Graduating European Dentist (GED) Taskforce with the approval of the ADEE Board are looking to expand its membership so as to include a representative from each of the ADEE Regions. On this occasion we are particularly interested in hearing from academics from member schools in ADEE Regions 3, 5 and 6. Application is via expression of interest in the format of a summary two page letter outlining how they meet the following requirements accompanies by a summary curriculum vitae no more than five pages long.

Email applications only to be received by no later than noon (12:00h Dublin time) on Friday 12th March 2025. Applicants should ensure they communicate how they meet the following criteria:

  • Demonstrate curriculum awareness of regional context (research/work experience) at regional level
  • Curriculum publications (first/last order)
  • Experience of curriculum management at school level and wider
  • Ongoing ADEE membership and active participation
  • Evidence of understanding of European educational issues and context
  • Evidence of multinational collaborative leadership

About the taskforce and its work:
The ADEE GED Taskforce is chaired by the ADEE Board Curriculum Development Officer and is chaired with by the board with responsibility to ensure the GED framework is in line with international best practice and contextually relevant and responsive to the change and emerging trends in European oral health professionals education.

They are responsible in particular to:

  • Regularly update the GED framework and its associated documents
  • They provide regular update to the Board via the Chair and also provide training and workshop at the annual ADEE meeting
  • The will ensure the linking of the GED within other core academic aspects such as curriculum development, assessment, and wider
  • To ensure regional perspectives are included within ingoing ADEE curriculum related work
  • Oversight of the GED website
  • Oversight of the DigEdDent website
  • Ensure the ethos of ADEE is embedded within its curriculum framework to ensure it is collaborative in approach and regionally responsive

The GED taskforce is composed of the Chair plus one representative from each of ADEE regions 1 to 6. The meet four times annually, 1 in person and 2 online. They are also expected to attend ADEE in person at their own cost annually. Appointment is by way of open call to membership on a rotating 3-year basis.

You can read more about current membership at this link.