Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

Reimagining patients with disabilities in students case mix - why, when, how, who...

Thursday, 21st August 2025 - 16:00 to 17:30
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Dublin (IST, UTC+1)


Dargan Auditorium TCDBS

Session synopsis: 
At the invitation of Professor Alison Dougall Dublin Dental University Hospital's, Consultant for Medically Complex Patients and former President of the International Association for Disability and Oral Health our session focuses on the importance of inclusion of patients with disabilities in students case mix. 

Drawing together an international and highly experienced panel and chaired by Prof Michael Botelho the session will explore and aims to answer the why, when, how and who of inclusion of this patient cohort so students get a comprehensive understanding of their needs and expectations in practice.

Our panel include speakers from France, Ireland, Spain, USA and Serbia.




Michael Botelho

Clinical Professor in Restorative Dental Sciences
University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Dentistry

Prof Michael Botelho has been at HKU for 27 years and has been actively engaged in educational reform, pedagogy and innovation. He has over 100 publications with 20 papers and 8 book chapters in education and 19 education grants. He has lectured and consulted in across South-East Asia and in Europe and North America. His educational research interests are related to the innovative use of video and online learning, PBL, flipped classes and closing the clinical transition gap. He has a number of teaching awards at HKU including the first Teaching Innovation Award, the Team Award and the UDTA. He is also a recipient of the UGC Teaching Award. He is currently the President-Elect of the Educational Research Group of the IADE. He is a former Regional Attaché for ADEE