Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

Opening Plenary followed by ADEE 2022 Welcome Reception

Wednesday, 24th August 2022 - 17:30 to 20:00
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CEST (Madrid, Paris, Berlin)


Room allocation: Auditorium and Hall Mallorca

Prof Marianne Mak - Van der Vossen: Learning from lapses: How to identify, classify and respond to lapses in professionalism 
Session synopsis: 
This years opening session kicks off with  the presentation of the ADEMA graduation class of 2022, our formal opening ceremony and plenary speaker session and of course an evening of networking and socialisation. 

Prof Marianne Mak - Van der Vossen from Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA) presents 'Learning from lapses: How to identify, classify and respond to lapses in professionalism'.

Quality of health care depends on physicians acting professionally. Medical students’ unprofessional behaviour has been shown to predict unprofessional behaviour after graduation. Triggers are often a combination of individual factors (deficits in cognition, skills, attitude) and contextual factors (procedural, cultural, situational, organizational factors). Unfortunately, educators often fail to provide feedback to students displaying professionalism lapses, thus limiting students’ learning from these lapses. The literature does not provide sufficient empirical guidance to faculty regarding management of students’ lapses. Without clear directions, the guidance of students displaying unprofessional behaviour takes a toll on resources, time and effort of schools and their faculties, thus delaying potential remediation and dismissal. This talk discusses research that aimed to provide a framework for identifying, classifying and guiding students who display unprofessional behaviour in schools for health professions education.

 Welcome reception kindly supported by: 

This session will be streamed live.

18:00 Welcome from ADEE President Pal Barkvoll, ADEMA Dean Diego González Carrasco and Invited Local Dignitary
18:15 Graduation and presentation of the first cohort of Dentist from ADEMA
Chaired by ADEMA Dean Diego González Carrasco
18:45 Key note presentation
Learning from lapses: How to identify, classify and respond to lapses in professionalism
Prof Marianne Mak - Van der Vossen
19:30 Welcome reception in the Hall Mallorca Exhibition Centre 
Join us and our colleagues from EDSA for a shared evening of networking, Balearic food and drink and our first opportunity to meet informally as a group since 2019
21:00 Close

Pål Barkvoll

Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE)

Prof Pål Barkvoll is the of ADEE 2022 - 2023. Pål was Dean of the faculty of dentistry in the University of Oslo Norway 2013-2016 and 2017-...Read More

Marianne Mak - Van der Vossen

Medical educator and medical education scientist
Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), The Netherlands

Prof Marianne Mak - Van der Vossen, MD PhD is a medical educator and medical education scientist at the Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA)...Read More

Learning Outcomes: 

By attending this session delegates will:

  1. Gain insight and be able to understand and identify the signs and triggers within your students that may present later as unprofessional behavior

  2. Understand the importance in providing feedback on unprofessional behavior to students

  3. Be able to apply a framework for identifying, classifying and guiding students who display unprofessional behavior