Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

Prepare your students for their OSCE with serious games

Sunday, 8th September 2024 - 13:00 to 14:30
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CEST (Brussels time)


90 minutes



Session synopsis: 

We are an alliance of European teachers and researchers from 6 universities that aim to share innovative practices on teaching and construct digital tools to prepare OSCEs (Objective Structured Clinical Examinations). The Erasmus+ project, with acronym DOMINOS, focuses on implementing innovative training tools for healthcare students (medicine, pharmacy and dentistry) to better prepare them to take their OSCE.

In detail, the aims of the workshop will be:

  • to present the delegates a way to create digital OSCE in the form of serious games, using the AI-driven software VTS;
  • to develop the approach to create the scenario according to a common blueprint and the review process to ensure the stations would fit with national curricula;
  • to present the LMS platform with the library created, in multiples formats to enable transferability, and that hosts the test sessions and tools for students and teachers for preparing OSCEs;
  • to test the scenarios.

The registered participants will be registered in the Moodle platform and will be invited to fill a questionnaire in advance. They will also be asked to do so at the end of the experience.

Following an introduction to the Erasmus+ KA2 DOMINOS project, the session will be delivered through a presentation of the work approach taken within our European project DOMINOS not only by providing an overview of the project objectives but also the results of the pilot testing with the students. Time will be also dedicated to briefly describe the Serious Factory VTS editor and the opportunities offered by working in the Moodle environment. Enough time will be allowed to the participants to split in groups and test 2 scenarios on different dental specialties. A debriefing session will then allow a discussion and overall evaluation of the experience.

13:00 Welcome
13:05 Overview of the Erasmus+ project
13:20 Technical challenges
13:30 Separate sessions of Serious Games OSCE in Dentistry
14:15 Summary / Close

Katleen Vandamme

Professor of Restorative Dentistry – Implant Prosthodontics
KU Leuven, Belgium

Katleen is professor of Restorative Dentistry of the Department of Oral Health Sciences at the KU Leuven Belgium, where she is involved in undergraduate and postgraduate education and training in oral implantology. She also holds the position of Coordinator of the Institute of Osseointegration KU Leuven. Her research interests include evidence-based dentistry,  mechanobiology in implant osseointegration, bone biology (in particular impaired bone conditions such as diabetes), skeletal tissue engineering, and teaching modalities and analytics. Katleen is president of BVOI/SBIO (Belgische Vereniging voor Orale Implantologie/Société Belge de l’Implantologie Orale), Education Delegate of the International Team for Implantology (ITI) BeLux. Katleen is a member of ADEE's regional council and is the chair of this year’s ADEE local organising committee.


Claudine Wulfman

Professor of Prosthodontics
Université Paris Cité

Claudine is Professor of Prosthodontics at the Université Paris Cité in France. After heading the prosthodontics department at Université Paris Cité, she is currently head of the dental department at Hôpital Henri-Mondor. The author of 30 research articles, she is interested in complete denture, biomaterials and CAD/CAM (zirconia, prosthetic teeth, denture base materials for dental prostheses) as well as education, from OSCE to the value of digital technology in teaching complete denture, particularly serious games. She is coordinator of the DOMINOS Erasmus plus project, aimed at preparing European health students for the OSCE.

Janja Jan

Professor of Cariology and Endodontology
Faculty of Medicine of the University of Ljubljana

Janja is Professor of Cariology and Endodontology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. She is Head of the Department of Dental Diseases and Endodontics and Vice Dean of Dental Medicine. Her main areas of research are cariology, endodontology and dental education. She leads the dental team in Ljubljana as part of the DOMINOS project.

Daniela Debiase

Sapienza University of Rome

Daniela is Professor and vice-president of one of Medicine and Surgery courses at Sapienza University of Rome. She teaches in both Dentistry and Dental prosthodontics, and Medicine and Surgery courses, entirely taught in English, with students from all over the world. She is Erasmus Coordinator of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine, and actively involved in different Erasmus projects. In the DOMINOS project, she leads the Sapienza team (medicine, pharmacy, dentistry) and the Work Package 4, dedicated to the DOMINOS Moodle platform where OSCEs are made available to students. This platform will be used during this workshop.

Lorenzo Marini

Assistant Professor
Sapienza University of Rome

Lorenzo is an Assistant Professor (type A) at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Sciences of Sapienza University of Rome. He teaches Periodontology in both Dentistry and Dental Prosthodontics and Dental Hygiene courses. He is involved in the DOMINOS Erasmus plus project, aimed at preparing European health students for the OSCE, in the WP2 and WP3 for Dentistry.

Learning Outcomes: 

By the end of the session, delegates will:

  1. Have insight into the design and structure of different OSCE scenarios, ‘play’ these and provide feedback on the overall experience;
  2. Be able to use this kind of digital OSCE experience and compare it with the tools (if any) currently available at their home institutions;
  3. Be able to discuss the common educational approaches and the future developments in dental educational using AI-driven digital tools.