Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

Today at ADEE 2021: Thursday 8th July

To bring our July events to a close we return to the resercah and activities of our members in todays sessions
At 11:00 Dublin You are invited to a Coffee with the O-Health-Edu project team

Join us with a coffee to hear about the O-Health-Edu Erasmus + project that ADEE is currently dissemination partner. During the session you can hear more about this EU wide research into oral health professionals' education, its current state and a desired vision for 2030. We will share with you some highlights of progress to date and how your institution can participate.

Register here to gain access via zoom


From 12:00 Dublin We offer three session of themed tours of the e-poster showcase

To bring our July session to a close we return to the work and research of our members. Over three sessions we will showcase over 70 posters and engage with the authors of the work.  Sessions are themed and you are encouraged to visit the e-poster showcase in advance, you can see more about each sessions content and access the registration link by following the following links:

12:00 Assessment and Curriculum
14:00 CPD, Evaluation, Faculty Dev, IPE, Student Selection & Other
16:00 Tech Enhanced Learning and Teaching Methods

We hope you can join some or all of these session in July!

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