Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

Today at ADEE 2021: 2nd June

Today Wednesday 2nd of June is a busy day at ADEE 2021 online. 

At 09:00 Dublin time, join our briefing and consultation session hosted by Prof Rui Amaral Mendes and members of the ADEE executive on ADEE’s proposed regional structure. Make sure you are updated on this important proposed change that we hope will enable greater regional participation and activity.

We encourage you to pre-register for this event via zoom here

At 12:00 Dublin time our SIG focuses on The Complexity of Assessing Professionalism which promises to be a highly interactive workshop.

Again we encourage you to preregister via zoom in advance where possible


And to close the day at 16:00 Dublin time in collaboration with Immersify Education we present ‘Using technology to engage students. Augmented Reality experiences’. Together with Immersify Education and their partner universities we explore some case studies on how they have used augmented reality to advance student learning.

Confirm your attendance via zoom

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