Association for Dental Education in Europe

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Biomedical Sciences in Dentistry; Developing a Contemporary Core Curriculum


The Biomedical Sciences group is jointly chaired by Dr Jon Bennett and Dr Josie Beeley.

Aims and objectives

A Special Interest Groups focused on Bio medical sciences in dentistry with definded aims and objectives:

  • To compare differences in approach to the coverage of biomedical science in dental programmes across Europe.
  • To consider how rapid advances in biomedical sciences are changing the face of dentistry and will continue to do so at an increasing rate; this will build on a theme introduced in Antalya (ADEE 2011), and explored further in Lyon (ADEE 2012) and Birmingham (ADEE 2013).
  • To explore the learning requirements of contemporary dental students if they are to understand and exploit these changes.
  • To work towards the development of a core biomedical science curriculum which retains key elements underpinning the practice of dentistry (e.g. anatomy, oral histology) whilst allowing for consideration of the new scientific disciplines which are changing the face of clinical practice (e.g. cell biology, genetics)
  • To share experiences regarding the pedagogic approaches which best engage dental students with these issues
  • To reinforce the importance of the biomedical sciences as key elements of the curriculum which underpin all areas of dental practice
Meeting and Activities: Barcelona Spain

The Biomedical Sciences in Dentistry; Developing a Contemporary Core Curriculum SIG will hold its 2016 meeting in ADEE Barcelona.  

The meeting is scheduled for Thursday 25th of August (14.00-17.30) Room 213. At this meeting the SIG will be presented with the final core curriculum document available for download bellow.  

Meeting and Activities: Szeged 2015

This was the third in a series of meetings aimed at developing a core curriculum in the biomedical sciences. The proposed core curriculum will be sited within the framework established in the ‘Profile and competences for the graduating European dentist’ to help inform the planning of contemporary dental ‘and will be designed to be a tool to inform the planning of contemporary dental programmes.

Following extensive discussion in earlier sessions the focus of this meeting was the presentation of a draft core curriculum for consideration and comment. The document will be modified in the light of the input received then during the course of the academic year 2015/2016, be made available for wider comment.

In order to optimise the opportunity for discussion, delegates were divided into three groups depending on their professional interests. These included (1)Anatomical Sciences, (2)Infection and Immunity, (3)Clinical Sciences.

A further group comprised of current students. This allowed for scrutiny of the document from a variety of perspectives, optimising the expertise available.

Input from the student group was particularly valuable as their input emphasised that effective biomedical science teaching should  be sited in a clinical context as students need to appreciate the relevance of what they are learning.

Effective biomedical science teaching depends not only on what is being taught, but also how and when it is covered in the curriculum.

Future Plans

The work of the group will continue throughout the year. An edited version of the draft curriculum will be posted on the ADEE website and input has already been sought from specific groups. For example, the core curriculum was discussed recently at a meeting of French Oral Bioscientists in Lille.

Meeting and Activities: Riga 2014

The 2014 meeting aimed:

  • To build on discussions held in Antalya 2011, Lyon 2012 and Birmingham 2013 meetings
  • To consider the structure and content of a proposed core curriculum in the biomedical sciences
  • To plan and advance the formation of a (trans-European) core group to develop this
  • To set an agenda to be reported on at ADEE 2015 in Hungary

The meeting agreed any agreement going forward would need to:

  1. Be comprehensive in design and approach
  2. Be acceptable to Cross European Consensus
  3. Be mappable to differing curricular styles
  4. Allow for different jurisdictional requirements

A summary of the SIG meeting is available here.

SIG Leader Announcements and Update

Updates form the SIG chairs will be posted here once made available.

Related documents: 
PDF icon ADEE BMS Curriculum396.84 KB