Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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Teacher Feedback and Student Learning: a European Perspective

Aims and Objectives

This new SIG meeting for the first time in Oslo 2018 aims:

  1. To investigate the feedback currently given to students by their clinical teachers/lecturers in different European Dental Schools
  2. To evaluate the perceptions staff and students have of the delivery, type and quality of feedback
  3. To investigate common core values and teaching and learning principles to develop more effective feedback practices

Based on the above findings, to develop a consensus document regarding feedback adopted in Europe with examples of best practice.

SIG Chairs

The SIG is organised and chaired by:

  • Prof. Chris Louca, Head of Dental School, University of Portsmouth, UK
  • Dr. Albert Leung, Acting Head of Department of CPD, University College London Eastman Dental Institute, UK
  • Dr. Peter Fine, Senior Clinical Teaching Fellow, University College London Eastman Dental Institute, UK
Outline Agenda for Oslo 2018 Meeting
  • Establish contacts/links as widely as possible amongst 2017 or 2018 ADEE delegates and establish current feedback practices via an initial  questionnaire at first SIG meeting
  • Compile and deliver a more comprehensive questionnaire ready to be distributed  to ADEE delegates and their colleagues by email to investigate practice and perceptions